
The Evolution of Washington, DC: Historical Selections from the Albert H. Small Washingtoniana Collection at the George Washington University

Price: $37.80
ISBN 13: 1588344983

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Product Description

The Evolution of Washington, DC is a striking volume featuring select pieces of the extraordinary collection of Washingtoniana donated by Albert H. Small to the George Washington University in 2011. It showcases treasures such as an 1860 lithograph of the equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson in front of the White House and a contemporary print of old Potomac River steamboats. Other unique pieces include early designs for the White House, the Capitol, and the Washington Monument as well as presidential portraits and Civil War memorabilia. Each object--from architectural plans and topographical maps to letters and advertisements--tells a fascinating story, and together they illustrate the history of our nation's capital and indeed our nation itself.

Author Information

James M. Goode
James M. Goode is the winner of Washingtonian magazine's prestigious "Washingtonian of the Year" award. He is the author of Capital Views, Capital Losses: A Cultural History of Washington's Destroyed Buildings, and Best Addresses: A Century of Washington's Distinguished Apartment Houses.

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